Friday, 31 January 2014

Cedrus deodara

    <img src="Cedrus-deodara.jpg" alt="Cedrus deodara" />
Fig: Cedrus deodara

Binomial name: Cedrus deodara

Local name: Himalayan cedar, or deodar Hindi: devadar, Pakistan: deodar

Old leaves are shade for most part of hot season, chiefly in May. It is evergreen throughout the year and generally dioecious, if monoecious then autoeceous.
The Noble Fir does best in deep, moist, slightly acidic soils. It copes well in windy sites and in the wild is found on exposed mountain-sides. Some tolerance to shade when young.

Description :

It is a large evergreen coniferous tree  up to 50 m high and up to 3m in diameter. Crown conical when young, with drooping leader and branches drooping at the end, older trees rounded. Branches horizontally arranged, and end of the shoots pendulous. One-year shoots densely pubescent.
Flowers appear in September and October.
<img src="Cedrus-deodara-timber.jpg" alt="Cedrus deodara" />

<img src="Cedrus-deodara-fruits.jpg" alt="Cedrus deodara" />Global distribution: 
Species distribution: Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Pakistan Exotic range: Argentina, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain & Indian Sub-Continent. One of three cedars commonly found in Britain, this native of the Himalaya was introduced here in 1831. Its strong fragrant wood is used for timber in Pakistan and India but following a failed experiment to grow it commercially it is now grown purely for its ornamental value in the British Isles.

Natural Regeneration
Natural Regeneration Seed years: Every third year is a good seed year with abundant cone bearing trees. Seed dispersed in Oct-Nov remains on the ground throughout the winter, under the snow and germinates in the spring during March-April germination takes earlier in the warmer than the cooler aspects.

Economic Importance:

1. A fairly wind-tolerant tree, it can be used in shelter-belt plantings.

2. It is widely grown as an ornamental tree, often planted in parks and large gardens for its drooping foliage.

3. The bark of cedar wood proves to be a good remedy in remittent and intermittent fevers, diarrhea and dysentery. The powder is used in the treatment of ulcers.

4. The inner wood of the plant is aromatic and is thus, used to make incense. The inner wood is also distilled to make essential oils.

5. The essential oil obtained from this plant is used as insect repellant on the feet of horses, cattle and camels, as insects avoid venturing close to it. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Aegle marmelos

<img src="Aegle-marmelos.jpg" alt="Aegle marmelos" />
Binomial Name: Aegle marmelos

English name: Golden apple, stone apple.

Local Name: Bael

Family: Rutaceae


It is a mid-sized, deciduous, slender, aromatic, armed, gum-bearing tree growing up to 18 meters tall. Stem and branches light brown to green. Strong axillary spines present on the branches.

<img src="Aegle-marmelos-leaves.jpg" alt="Aegle marmelos" />
<img src="Aegle-marmelos-fruit.jpg" alt="Aegle marmelos" /><img src="Aegle-marmelos-flowers.jpg" alt="Aegle marmelos" />

Leaves alternate, pale green, trifoliate; terminal leaflets, 5.7 cm long, 2.8 cm broad, having a long petiole; two lateral leaflets, almost sessile, 4.1cm long, 2.2 cm wide, ovate to lanceolate having reticulate pinnate venation petiole.


Flowers, greenish white, sweetly scented bisexual, actinomorphic, ebracteate, hypogynous, and stalked; 5 petals, imbricate, leathery, pale yellow from above and green from beneath, length 4mm.


Fruit 2 ½ to 3 ¼ inches in diameter, globular or ovoid in shape, colour yellowish brown, outside surface hard and nearly smooth. It has a faint aromatic odour and mucilaginous taste.


Numerous, embedded in the pulp, oblong, compressed, white, having cotton-like hairs on the outer surface.


Bael occurs in dry forests on hills and plains of northern, central and southern India, Pakistan, southern Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.


1. The fruit is eaten fresh as Juice or dried. It is used commercially in jam making.

2. Essential oil of the Bael tree to be effective against 21 types of bacteria.

3. It is prescribed for smooth bowel movement to patients suffering from constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.

4. Unripe Bael fruit is effective in combating giardia and rotavirus.

5. The fruits are very useful in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, The unripe and half-ripe fruits improve appetite and digestion.

6. The fruits are also used in making paints in Burma. Used as a substitute for soap, as source of essential oils and perfumes. The mucilage of the seed is a cementing material.